GHISANATIVA: pots, pans, grill pans in naked cast iron and portable hobs in cast iron

Ghisanativa in Love

Ghisanativa's Blog

Cinnamon roll_cover
These sweets are called cinnamon "rolls"; they are commonly served in Northern Europe and North America. In Sweden they are called kanelbulle, in Denmark they are known as kanelsnegl, in Norway they are still known as kanelbolle, skillingsboller or kanelsnurr. Finally, in Finland these rolls are known as korvapuusti while in Estonia they are called kaneelirull. Here is an italian version of the delicacy
Tarte tatin_cover
The tarte tatin is a typical French pastry pie, a unique goodness, created by mistake by the Tatin Sisters, two French pastry chefs in the early 1900s. According to tradition, it is a sort of apple pie made with rennet apples. It is a crunchy dessert prepared with a base of caramelised apples with sugar and butter and covered with shortcrust pastry, finally turned upside down after cooking in the oven!
Milk ruffle pie su Ghisanativa
The ruffle milk pie is a delicious Greek origins sweet pie, very famous in America. A quick cake to make for an afternoon study break or for the children
An alternative UK/US recipe to the traditional Blondies or Brownies with white chocolate and walnuts. If you are looking for an easy, quick and different dessert, this recipe is for you. Greedy is an understatement!
Roast beef
Today I decided to make the most of my Ghisanativa pot. I wanted to cook a UK/US dish that is now part of the international cuisine: roast beef. What better solution than to cook it in a natural cast iron pot this piece of meat? So I made a rare and very tender roast beef cooked in the oven.
Arrosto in pentola
Today's dish is Roast Pork with Almonds, a recipe in which the tenderness of the meat contrasts with the crunchiness of the toasted almonds. A creamy sauce, slightly sweet due to the presence of honey, pleasantly embraces the meat and makes it very delicate. A dish that for its particularity can also be presented on the festive table. The Ghisanativa pot is perfect for cooking the meat, leaving it tender and juicy.
Pane in pentola naturale di ghisa
This is the recipe for a fabulous and easy to make bread to bake at home. Follow this fantastic recipe from Stefania, cook the bread on Ghisanativa and you will see what a sublime Maillard reaction forms on it.
Torta rovesciata all'ananas
A revival of other times. It is called upside-down in English and tarte tatin in French, but the right concept is the "inverted cake" because it can also be prepared with other ingredients. The beauty is that it doesn't stick on the naked cast iron and looks just amazing.
The scacciate are a poor dish of the Sicilian tradition, symbol of the Christmas holidays; there are many versions, always made with seasonal vegetables or fresh pecorino cheese without salt, which is the famous Sicilian "tuma".
Spezzatino con piselli e patate
A simple and traditional recipe, makes this stew a dish with an extraordinary aroma and taste thanks to the use of Ghisanativa which emphasizes the aromas and softness of the meat. Slow cooking over low heat will make the meat so tender that it melts in your mouth. And if you have a wood oven or an old stove, the games are made with Ghisanativa!
Grigliata di pesce_cover
Romantic dinner like in a restaurant? Grilled fish is an easy whole meal to arrange with Ghisanativa: a tasty recipe for a seafood main course to share with your mate.
Coniglio in umido
For omnivorous lovers of classic dishes, here is an easy recipe that will satisfy the tastes of many: rabbit stew, a second course that is part of the Italian culinary tradition, an easy and ideal dish to celebrate Sunday together with family and friends. Tenderness and delicacy are assured without too much effort in the kitchen thanks to Ghisanativa!
Fritto misto_cover ricetta
A summer de ja vù. These days of dry heat bring to mind the best memories of the holidays. Do I find this the perfect time to have a feast of fried fish? With its unmistakable scent, fried food is one of the best memories of summer. Do you think so too? See how simple it is to fry with Ghisanativa.
Have you ever heard of the French dessert called 'clafoutis'? Today it is an easy-to-make dessert made with fresh seasonal fruit, a baked recipe enjoyed by young and old alike. The origin of this cake is very old and seems to date back to a region of France, Limousin, which is said to have the most beautiful and juicy cherries in France.
Trofie al tofu, maggiorana e za
Are you looking for a single dish that has a balance between carbohydrates and proteins? This creamy pasta is a perfect main course dish. And thanks to the marjoram leaves you will feel a great palate’s freshness to reminds you summertime.
Piovra alla griglia
Questa ricetta facile e veloce porta il mare in tavola. Se non sai cosa preparare per cena e vuoi ottenere un ottimo risultato senza stare troppo tra i fornelli, questa ricetta conquisterà i tuoi amici.
This methodology allows a better gelatinisation of the starch making it more digestible and dietetic. Using the Ghisanativa pot makes everything pleasant and enriches the colours of the vegetables and the taste of the ingredients. Thanks to the diffusion of heat inside the pot, you can keep the heat at the optimal temperature during the different phases.
Tagliatelle con manzo affumicato, verdurine e gorgonzola
A mouth-watering dish, very tasty and very satisfying right from the start. Kneading tagliatelle is a pleasant stress-reliever for me, and the speed with which this sauce can be made makes it an excellent ally even when you have very little time to cook. In fact, this sauce is also perfect with various types of dried pasta or as a base for risottos.
Skillet cake fragole e cioccolato-cover
The so-called "skillet cakes", of American origin, are cakes that are baked in a cast-iron pan. I've been wanting to make one for a long time, not least for the pleasure of photographing it in my Ghisanativa pan, which I find perfect for this type of recipe.
Torta di yogurt e mirtilli
Blueberry pie is a soft and delicious breakfast cake made with simple and easy-to-find ingredients. You just need flour, eggs, sugar and yoghurt in the dough. The juiciness is given by the blueberries that give the cake moisture, color and taste.
Cover_risotto verdure
In this risotto, the aim is to keep the nutritional and organoleptic characteristics of the vegetables as unaltered as possible. An explosion of flavours and aromas that only the use of the freshest vegetables, uncoated pots, and the right amount of technique can give. This risotto is intended to be a "walk through nature". And, if you think about it, every mouthful nourishes not only the body but also the soul.
After a few weeks of March rains, spring has sprung in Sicily. It is the season when nature is at its most generous and heartening, a time to take advantage of transforming some of this wonder into colourful, healthy, and nutritious dishes. Thanks to the recent rains, now followed by sunshine and mild temperatures, there is plenty of wild asparagus to be found. This morning I went to pick them in the countryside just outside Palermo, near my home. The marigold was shining all around me, so I thought that the bitterness of these asparagus could be softened by preparing a risotto with a marigold broth.
Pasta alle vongole
Spaghetti with clams are among the first courses I love most because they remind me of Venice and the surroundings. At my parents' house we were used to prepare this dish in winter. Therefore, today I share the recipe with you: spaghetti with clams, creamy and tasty thanks to Ghisanativa!
Cheesecake leggera
Cheesecake is one of my favourite desserts; I prefer the baked one to the cold one but it's been a long time since I made one so I'm sharing this recipe with you. Usually, classic biscuits would be used as a base but, for my way of cooking, they are too rich in sugar and so I created a perfect base for those who, like me, don't want to exaggerate.
Shaksuka is nothing more than vegetables with fried eggs and cheese. The original recipe, in addition to fresh eggs and tomato, also includes peppers, onion, spices, goat cheese. There is no cheese here, there are only crunchy seeds. Here is my version of Shakshuka: light and flavourful.
Are you looking for a quick, gluten-free and complete meal? Are you trying to get your child to eat cauliflower but can't? Or are you looking for somethig similar but lighter than a pizza? If so, this recipe is yours.
When it comes to cooking with the wok, there are many recipes that come to mind and some more than others. Who hasn't thought of the famous steamed ravioli or Cantonese rice or the classic rice noodles with vegetables? Below we describe some cooking techniques that go perfectly with the wok.
Crepes di avena_web
What could be nicer than waking up late and making breakfast together? With these crêpes, you can make everyone happy: from those who love a sweet breakfast to those who love a savoury one. These crêpes are also perfect for an alternative Sunday lunch or a light snack...it all depends on what you put in them. Let your imagination run wild!
The Ankh
This section is dedicated to the development of a characteristic with which the human being is innately endowed, but of which he is not always aware: the Symbolic dimension. That is, the ability to contact, within oneself, images, symbols, perceptions, visions that are "before us", in which we are immersed and which provide us with energy, vitality, breath, and Soul.
Heligan Garden_Cornovaglia_particolare Gea
The stories of the Greek myths offer different versions, different figures of the Divine Feminine. Therefore, starting from the Origins, we begin our exploratory journey, meeting its oldest expression: Gaea
Persepone e Kore_cover
Demeter is the divine feminine who presides over the generative dimension: birth, offspring, the continuation of biological life - plant and animal - are under her protection. Demeter is a mother. Fundamentally mother. One of the forms of expression of Mother Nature, mother of all sentient beings. Demeter has eyes only for fruit, whether it be the fruit of the earth, of herds, or humans.
Persepone e Kore_cover
The goddess Ceres is in the cereals we eat. Lady of the harvest, Ceres is in Latin mythology the transposition of the Greek goddess Demeter. Grain is the primordial food that marks the transition in human history from the nomadic condition associated with hunting and farming to a more settled state.
I modified the typical Venetian recipe and prepared these fritters with rice flour and potato starch. These are typical fritters to be filled with custard or Chantilly or Zabaglione cream. Since my daughter is crazy about zabaglione, I suggest you fill them with zabaglione Chantilly cream. Let's prepare them together.
It was said of the gods. The gods must have liked the smell if one of the first "religious" practices was to sacrifice animals to them, to obtain their protection, their favours. In ancient Greece the ritual, Enágisma, consisted in sacrificing one or more animals (ox, pig, goat or sheep) to the deceased, to the heroes: generally, in this sacrifice, the sacrificial victim was entirely burnt.
Frittole evidenza
This recipe originates from the Sardinian Frisjiole. Since I don't use animal milk, I used what I had at home: coconut drink and white wine. The original recipe would use milk and a little aquavit or aniseed liqueur.
You can find buckwheat cake in a thousand versions. I always like it, so here is my version! It is a soft cake with a creamy and tasty jam filling. You can choose to use a homemade jam or buy a special jam. Buckwheat cake is a South Tyrolean cake that is also suitable for coeliacs. Here's my version on cast iron.
The pork shank is one of the main protagonists of many traditional European cuisines, especially German. The shank needs a very long cooking time so that the heat penetrates deeply into the meat to allow it to perfectly detach from the bone at the end of cooking. This is why Ghisanativa is the perfect tool.
This savoury pie reminds me a bit of Trentino: speck and a good alpine cheese enclosed in a buckwheat pastry with a rosemary scent. What do you reckon? Perfect as an appetiser or, why not, as a main course combined with a salad of radicchio, walnuts, oranges and parmesan shavings.
Torta alle rose_web
My favorite version of rose cake is by far the simple rose cake made with butter and sugar. At most with a veil of apricot jam, perhaps homemade in season. The doses have been revised soon after a Luca Montersino pastry course.
'Because a stew is forever'. That's my motto. If there's one dish that always arrives on time at my house with the first cold weather, it's stew. We love it. Me in particular. And I also recommend it during these Christmas holidays.
The apple pie recipe is a sacred and evocative dessert for many. This recipe is made for those who do not consume gluten but still want to enjoy the little joys of life.
I have always loved kneading, it relaxes me a lot. But since I found out that I am intolerant to gluten, I don't do it so often anymore. However, sometimes I make exceptions. I've been wanting to try this recipe for a long time; pumpkin and cinnamon is a perfect combination, so I'm sharing it with you.
Just woken up and looking for an alternative breakfast? Whether it's the weekend or any day of the week, treat yourself to a protein breakfast to get you through the day with more zest. To avoid too much sugar in my first meal of the day, I look for foods that give me a boost of energy without going overboard with sweets, especially since Ryan's been around.
Zucca_foto ricetta in evidenza
October is the month of pumpkin par excellence. Pumpkin, an autumn vegetable, lends itself well to many preparations. The great thing about this fruit is that you can use all parts of it, from the skin to the seeds. Normally the skin and seeds are thrown away, but they can be used to give a crunch to dishes, avoiding food waste.
These last few weeks in Venice, the fog doesn't seem to be leaving us and, even though it's not cold yet, the humidity gets into our bones so much that we want to eat a nice hot steaming, and comforting dish. Do you feel the same? Today, for example, I felt like tripe. Do you like it? It is true that tripe does not meet the tastes of everyone but it brings back memories of when I was a child, yes, even as a child I liked strong flavours and, I do not deny it, I was crazy about kidneys!
The "traditional" dishes often refer to the canonical festivities of Christmas, Easter or some festivities of a certain city to celebrate its patron saint. In this period of early November, amidst the fog and memories of loved ones who are missing, I share my culinary déjà-vu.
This recipe was inspired by the need to use up the last of the wild blueberries in my freezer to make room for new supplies. Every year we go on a pleasant August expedition to the mountains to pick them - it's a way to spend a day in the fresh air, escape the heat of the city and come back with plenty of booties.
Hands up who doesn't know Dutch pancakes! Actually, there is nothing "Dutch" about them at all! They are an American breakfast cake that originated in the first half of the 20th century in a Seattle restaurant. They are also called 'pannenkoek' or 'German' or 'Bismark' pancakes. Unlike their more famous cousins, they are flaky, always baked, and contain no yeast. That's why the real magic of their preparation is to see how they rise - due to the thermal shock - on the edges of the pan, suddenly swelling and becoming quite spectacular.
Barley is a grain cereal with a high fibre content. The soluble fibre contains beta-glucans, molecules that have been studied for their preventive role in cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In particular, at intestinal level, they reduce the absorption of fats, cholesterol and simple sugars. They also stimulate the production of phagocytes, the white blood cells that take part in the body's defence.

Bread is a marvellous gift of the earth, but it is also the result of sacrifice, work, love of cooking, and above all, love for those who have to eat it.

Making bread was one of my first passions: I remember that since I was a little girl I loved to put my hands in the dough, but not always with satisfactory results.
Today I propose you a sandwich, a sandwich that I tasted this winter when I went to spend New Year's Eve in Portugal in Porto. There are two typical "sandwiches" in Porto: the "Francesiña" and the "Bifana". After tasting both, the one I liked the most and would not stop eating was the second one, the Bifana.
For me, a native of La Spezia, muscles are something you can't do without, provided you adopt an "all-inclusive" diet and don't have allergies! We identify mussels with the term "Muscoli" (muscles) and they have different names depending on the region: Peoci (Veneto), Pedoli (Friuli) or Mòscioli (Marche) or even Mitilo, the Latin name for the species found in the Mediterranean, mytilus galloprovincialis.
There are some dishes with a strong identity value: one of these - for the regions of northern Italy - and especially for mountain people, is polenta. It is a simple but hearty dish that appeals to the tastes of both young and old. Polenta has very ancient origins, which is why there are so many varieties: from the Taragna, made with corn and buckwheat, to the Polenta Bramata from Brescia, made with wholemeal corn, the Polenta Concia typical of the Valle d'Aosta, and Veneto, with white polenta.
Che cosa chiedete a un utensile di cucina? Gli utensili da fuoco sono costruiti con diversi materiali, a seconda della loro funzione: le caratteristiche di un recipiente adatto alla frittura saranno sicuramente diverse da quelle di un recipiente per cotture bollite, e così via. Qui analizzeremo pro e contro dei materiali per cottura.
In 1924, the tomb of Tutankhamun in Egypt returned a precious 18th dynasty dagger with a gold scabbard and handle and an iron blade. Yet in the 14th century BC, our ancestors only had the technology to smelt copper, tin, lead, and gold!
Among all the minerals our body needs, iron is probably the most difficult to ensure a constant daily supply. In fact, although it is widely used in what we eat, it often occurs in a non-bioavailable form, that is, our body can hardly use: it is the so-called non-heme iron.
Hands up who has never dreamed of making a slice of fish at home that peels itself from the skin and bones? It is not difficult to do, but a lot depends on how the fish is cooked. The cooking of fish varies because each fish has a different weight. As you fail, you learn to tell when it is ready at a glance.
This bread exists all over the world, under different names. It is called Roti bread or Bhakri in India. Its primordial function was to act as a fork when crockery was not made of stainless steel and conveyed metallic flavours or even did not yet exist.
In Veneto region, Baccalà is stockfish. That is, dried cod. In Italian, salt cod is called Baccalà. In this recipe for cod in tomato sauce, we use the latter: cod that has to be desalted. To remove the salt, it is brushed off and put into water for 24 hours, changing the water about 4 times. You can also use fresh sliced cod instead. The meat, however, will tend to cook earlier and release quite a bit of water.
The festive and winter dish par excellence. The association is almost immediate. It dates back to around 1500 and its popularity was acquired with the worldwide spread of French cuisine.
Given my Sardinian origins, a good dish of fregola is a must in my kitchen. Fregula, as it is called in Sardinian, is a type of pasta made from durum wheat semolina that was once made exclusively by hand - a bit like cous cous - with the addition of warm water and salt.
I like to experiment with traditional Italian recipes. This recipe is from Modena. The Crescentine, commonly called Tigelle, are typical focaccia from Modena, prepared with a mixture of flour, lard, yeast, and water. These scones are perfect with cold cuts: pancetta, salami, mortadella, coppa and lardo. They are also excellent with cheese, honey, and fruit, or as in this recipe with broad bean and lard pesto. Here is my version prepared on Ghisanativa.
This is the Sunday classic. Cooking it in the oven makes it easy to prepare and chicken with its white meat is excellent both for the elderly and for children.
There are a thousand possible expressions of focaccia. From Genovese Fugassa to Roman white pizza. Today we offer you the 'classic' recipe with rosemary and coarse salt, the one loved by everyone! It is the perfect snack for young and old alike. Served hot, it is a tasty and original solution to accompany an aperitif - if you like - with cold cuts.
When the oven was not such a popular household appliance, grandmothers used to use the fire for slow cooking. Not only for stew or goulash but also for roasts. Mine certainly did.
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