GHISANATIVA: pots, pans, grill pans in naked cast iron and portable hobs in cast iron

RISOTTO-STYLE PASTA: pasta cooked like risotto best known as ‘pasta risottata’

Cooking pasta the risotto-style allows you to obtain perfectly creamy and delicious pasta, using very little or no butter and Parmesan.
Furthermore, risotto-style pasta has the advantage of absorbing flavours of the sauce in an extraordinary way when the pasta is cooked, creating a mouth-watering experience.

For the best results follow
this simple method:
Preparation of the cooking liquid

Prepare a good vegetable broth to submerge the pasta during cooking. You may choose to use a meat or fish broth, this will enhance the flavour of the pasta if you are preparing with meat or fish. Be careful not to overdo the flavours.
If you plan on using a rich sauce with a lot of flavour, our advice is to use boiling water instead of a broth or stock to not overdo it.

Sauce preparation

Prepare the sauce (whether it is fresh tomatoes, vegetables or mushroom cream sauce, fish sauce, or ragù sauce).
During this stage, it is important to take care of some fundamental steps. First, the consistency of the sauce is critical. Our recommendation is to use a sauce with higher liquid content compared to traditional pasta cooking methods. This is because the liquid is absorbed by the pasta during the cooking process. Therefore the flavour of the sauce is consistent and tasty throughout without needing to add too much salt.

Second, be mindful when flavouring the sauce. When cooking the pasta, the excess liquids are absorbed therefore the saltiness of the sauce is critical during the cooking process. It is advised to use a little amount of salt at the start but add towards the end of cooking or when necessary.
Another key point is the cooking times of the individual ingredients. Certain ingredients cook significantly faster than others, be mindful when adding each ingredient into the sauce.

Blanch or not?

If you are using a pasta made from ancient grains or if it is a long pasta such as; bucatini, spaghetti, linguine, ziti, you should blanch the pasta for a couple of minutes. Blanching helps to reduce impurities on the pasta. Blanching is a good way to soften your long pastas, allowing you to perfect the risotto-style pasta in a small pot.
Make sure the sauce is piping hot when adding the blanched pasta to allow natural cooking to continue.

If you’re using short pasta, you can skip this step. We have a different preparation method in the blog.

Bring to boil

Cook the pasta by gradually adding broth, or boiling water.
Meanwhile stir constantly to avoid the pasta from sticking and to allow it to better absorb the sauce.
The Ghisanativa accumulates and retains heat naturally; therefore you can turn off the stove towards the end of cooking.

Finishing the pasta like a pro

When the pasta is ‘al dente’, add salt and pepper, then add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and mix well. This gives the dish a wonderful shine and brings out the flavours in the first bite. This is only up to you.
You can also whisk in oil (or butter) and cheese but use smaller quantities than those you would use in traditionally cooked pasta.
This is because the cooking technique of the “risotto” pasta gives a natural creaminess to the final dish.

Now just taste it and let us know how good it is!

What happens when using this cooking technique?

Any pasta cooked this way will release all of its starch directly into the pot and this creates two extraordinary benefits.
First, the starch creates the creaminess and mixed together with the sauce will make it perfect. Furthermore, by cooking the pasta directly in the sauce will ensure the starch is absorbed from the start, the flavours will be enormously amplified.
Thanks also to the natural characteristics of Ghisanativa, helps you use less salt and very few fats without compromising the final result in any way.

Discover Ghisanativa’s recipes

‘Pasta a risotto’ (Pasta cooked risotto-style best known as ‘pasta risottata’) with peppers, anchovies, fresh marjoram leaves

This methodology allows a better gelatinisation of the starch making it more digestible and dietetic. Using the Ghisanativa pot makes everything pleasant and enriches the colours of the vegetables and the taste of the ingredients. Thanks to the diffusion of heat inside the pot, you can keep the heat at the optimal temperature during the different phases.

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